Sunday, September 16, 2012

The Latest Milestone

Roll from your tummy. Sit down and hold your self. Crawling. Walking. Running. Talking... All milestones.

You know? It's always been hard to see how other babies would start reaching these milestones and I would turn around and look at my buddy and wonder if maybe tomorrow he would. But he didn't, within a few weeks he started getting behind all the other babies that were born around the same time he was. Soon, those weeks turned into months, months that he was behind in his development, milestones he wasn't reaching but he should've.

Today, Philippe is still reaching milestones and every time he does something new as little as it might be it fills us with happiness and we cheer for him and celebrate! He turns around and looks at us with a big smile on his face and know how proud of him we are, but most of all his smile reflects how proud of himself he is and how happy he is he's learned something new.

Sometimes his milestones can be a new sound, or learning how to point, learning how to wiggle and "dance", or shrug his shoulders; but it's his latest milestone that has touched my heart so much. It took me a while to realize it, but this last week while we were meeting my brother and my sister in law in Vegas for a quick family trip, I saw it and I knew my little Philippe had learned something new. As we walked through malls or streets, he would get sick of being in the stroller, we would pull him out and grab his hand so he could walk by our side. One of those times, we took him out of the stroller, he stood there. My brother extended his hand towards him. Philippe looked up straight at him, and then put his little hand on my brother's. Then he walked with him happily.

It might be silly for some, but it's a big deal for me. It means more than putting his hand on his. It means trusting in someone you love, and if my son is starting to learn how to trust in others and show it to them, it means a lot to me. A WHOLE LOT. I love you buddy!


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