Monday, January 28, 2013


Since Philippe was a baby he had a love for Mickey Mouse and enjoyed watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. We would play it for him and he would smile so big, laugh and giggle. I don't know what it is about it, the colors, the sounds of their voices, or their faces, but there is no other cartoon show that will get his attention as much as Mickey Mouse does. Even now, if he is downstairs playing with his toys or sitting on the couch, or looking out the window and he hears the theme song play, he will come up as fast as he can and run into our room with the biggest smile! Then he will sit on his Mickey Mouse chair that his abuelos (grandma and grandpa) got him and enjoy the show. The funniest thing is that Belle, our baby girl, shares the same love for Mickey. They're both so cute watching it with their jaws dropping as Mickey goes on his adventures.

Anyways, because of this we had been wanting to take him to Orlando so that he would see Mickey and all the magic that you can experience in all of the theme parks, but well... we didn't have enough money and we all know how much that kind of vacation can be. So we heard about Make-A-Wish and all the things they do for kids, I learned that the boy/girl doesn't necesarily need to have a terminal illness but that if he has a disability that he will carry on for life, they will grant their wishes too. So I didn't think about it twice and signed him up. A few weeks later, we got a phone call and we filled some papers, and sent them out. We waited and waited and one day we got some bad news. Unfortunately Philippe didn't qualify because he wasn't able to communicate "his wish". You see, the child has to be able to say it in some way that that's what he would like to do, and well, Philippe doesn't talk and one of his disadvantages or areas where he needs a lot of progress is communication. This was a little sad, but it didn't last long.

Marcel's family decided that it was time to go again and visit Orlando for a fun vacation with all the family and obviously with all the kids. We can't thank them enough for the opportunity they gave us to take Philippe and Belle to see all the parks and spend time with our kids. We loved our vacation so much! Philippe got a kiss from Snow White on the very first day, rode Aladdin's magic carpets, the Pirates of The Caribbean, carrousels, and got to see Mickey Mouse Clubhouse LIVE! He even rode a small roller-coaster, which he wasn't very fond of, but didn't cry at all. Belle couldn't get her eyes off all the characters whenever they showed up for pictures she was amazed and her mouth dropped at the fireworks and the music. I wish she will be able to remember all of these fun times. Her cousin Emilie is in love with her and was so sweet to buy her a t-shirt and some headbands out of her own pocket! Etienne and Eugene, shared their toys with Philippe every day and played with him too.

Once again, we are so thankful for this trip and for the moments we spent with our family, for the illusion and innocence reflected in our little one's face. Thank you abuelos for this unforgettable vacation. We love you!

Belle and Marcel in the Dr. Seuss Carrousel

Harry Potter World

We got turned into minions! SO FLUFFY!!!

Phineas and Ferb

Philippe being a ladies man... and a little shy too

My dad being silly, he loves hats!

Chip and Dale

Emilie and Marcel being silly.

Orlando LDS Temple, where we got married.

Animal Kingdom

Handy Manny
Belle sporting her spring wear in the nice Orlando weather.

Look at that happy boy!

Philippe, Eugene, and Belle, watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse at the Resort
Belle decided she is going to be a princess for life.

1 comment:

  1. Mickey Mouse is a popular character all around the world.I so much enjoy with your pictures gallery.orlando villas
