Wednesday, July 24, 2013


Philippe has been seizure-free for 1 months! (He used to have 1-3 a week.) How fitting to celebrate this special occasion today. July 24th is the holiday in Utah we celebrate Pioneer Day. In 1847 after 17 months of travel Brigham Young lead 148 pioneers into the Salt Lake City Valley. After their long journey, even though the traveling had finished, their work of establishing an entire functioning community in the middle of a desert had just begun! And so it is with us. 

Now that we know and understand WHY Philippe has had seizures, along with his many other health issues, and HOW to heal him, we have reached the end of our journey searching for answers. Yet, at this point, when we look to our immediate future, some days the work ahead of us seems impossible. The length of time required on the GAPS diet to completely heal the body and reverse all the damage caused by gut dysbiosis is usually 2 years. I have a feeling it may take even a little longer for our son, but it will be worth it! Just as Salt Lake is now a major city in the US and even the world, I know Philippe's future will be filled with greatness, wonder, joy, life, and health!

The BEST part about it all is the feeling of FREEDOM, and in a sense POWER, we now have. We are no longer slaves to Philippe's seizures, medications, tantrums, or inability. I used to feel so helpless and terrified every time Philippe fell asleep because I knew every time he woke up there was always the agonizing possibility I would have to endure watching my son's little body seize uncontrolled for 18-20 minutes. I would have to give him a "rescue medication" then sit by his side or hold his stiff shaking body in my arms, and pray, and cry, and sing or talk softly to try to give him a little peace and comfort, even though I knew during a seizure he mostly likely wouldn't be able to hear me at all. 

The anguish, doubt, fear, hopelessness, and all the unknowns we felt for Philippe's life and his future have been replaced with hope, dedication, and excitement! He WILL be healthy! He WILL learn, grow, talk, and keep progressing every day!

Today in therapy he was really focusing and paying attention. He's getting good and figuring out how to learn. I know the wheels in his brain are turning and he's understanding more and more and getting better and healthier every day!

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