Thursday, November 28, 2013

A day of THANKS

On a day like today, it's hard to not be surrounded by everyone we love. It's not that we didn't get invited anywhere, surprisingly we did. I say "surprisingly" because after so many times of turning down invitations, we would understand if they stopped altogether.  The truth is, we realized a few years ago we have to be realistic, which means that we spend nearly every holiday at home alone with our little family.
I'm thankful that when both of our kids were throwing tantrums all morning (beginning somewhere around 2 or 3am when Philippe first woke up), we just rolled with the punches, like we do nearly every day. When the food was ready, half of which we bought from the store and half we made at home, we just sat down to eat without looking at the clock to adhere to a schedule or sitting around salivating while we waited for late-comers to arrive. We didn't completely stuff our faces because we bought all the food ourself and it will simply sit in our fridge until it's gone, providing no pressure to eat until we feel ill. Throughout the meal while Belle was refusing to eat nearly everything except turkey and jello salad, it didn't matter. And when she was fussy and wanted a nap, I put her down in her own bed where she promptly giggled then curled up to her favorite blanket.
The part I felt most grateful for today was at the end of the meal when Philippe dumped his glass and got it all over his head, the floor, and the table, and Marcel and I just laughed. We didn't have to feel ashamed or embarrassed, or offer a lengthy explanation of why our son "is the way he is" or "doesn't understand". When we finished eating, we put the food away and cleaned up together almost silently, husband and wife working side by side toward a goal to put our house back in order- or as close as it can be with our 2 sweet, unpredictable, wonderfully chaotic children.

To all our relatives, friends, neighbors, and loved ones near and far, we are truly grateful for you! We are thankful for your love, your support, and especially your concern and understanding. We love you all! HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!